Alerts API Parameters

Request parameters | Response parameters


Alerts API Query String Parameters

Parameter Description Default value
api Hostname to be used only in production: N/A Required
apidev Hostname to be used only in development: N/A Required
apikey Unique code used to access the API N/A Required
version Version of the API v1 Required
locationkey Unique ID used to search for a specific location N/A Required
format Format of the response JSON Optional
language String indicating the language in which to return the resource en-us Optional
details Boolean value (true or false) that specifies whether or not to include the full text with the given alert.   False Optional

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Alerts API Response Parameters

Parameter Description
CountryCode Unique country code ID
AlertID Unique numeric id that identifies an alert for a particular country
Category Category of the alert
Priority Number signifying the importance or ranking order of the given alert within the country it has originated. A lower number signifies a higher priority. For example, 1 is the highest priority.
Type Abbreviated form of the alert description
TypeId Id associated with the alert description
Class Classification of the alert. Not available for all countries
Level Severity identifier for the alert. Not available for all countries
Source Provider of the alert data
SourceId Id associated with the provider of the alert data
Disclaimer Disclaimer that must be displayed with the alert data.
MobileLink Link to severe weather alerts on AccuWeather's mobile site for the requested location
Link Link to severe weather alerts on AccuWeather's free site for the requested location

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